We are pleased to announce a new type of podcast to our line-up this year: a special debut author edition! In partnership with The Story Siren's Debut Author Challenge, we are hosting 10-15 minute special edition episodes with debut authors. Kristi from The Story Siren will be joining us as a guest co-host on the podcast whenever her busy schedule allows. She's super awesome, and we're excited to have her on board!
In our inaugural debut author edition podcast, we had the opportunity to chat with Elisa Ludwig, whose modern-day Robin Hood story, Pretty Crooked, comes out March 13 from Katherine Tegen Books. We discussed her writing background, her experience with private schools (which comes through in her book!) and what exciting things she has coming up next.
Want to download this podcast? Click here for a mp3 or find us on iTunes.
Learn more about Elisa Ludwig at her website. Also, visit Kristi at The Story Siren and be sure to check out her Debut Author Challenge!
Hosting courtesy of archive.org. Intro music by 46bliss. Our song choice for this podcast is Kim Devine's "Trouble". Be sure to subscribe to Authors are ROCKSTARS! on iTunes!